I’m pleased to announce that my first exhibition in 2020 is at The Corner Store Gallery (TCSG) located in Orange, New South Wales, Australia. I am one of 10 artists in this special show as well as 14 artists in another show as part of a gallery swap. The owner Anne Masters of Gallery of Small Things (GOST) has collaborated with Madeline Young, Owner of TCSG to swap their selected artists so that Orange comes to Canberra and Canberra goes to Orange! It’s a unique concept which both owners were keen to provide their artists with a chance to exhibit beyond the country and the city and also experience a different space. As GOST is less than 6 meters square and TCSG is about 32 meters square it means artists have the opportunity to make small works (under A3 and under $500) for GOST and small to large works for TCSG. So, if you are looking for some new artworks to give your home or favourite space that special touch visit the exhibition at GOST. This will also take you the TCSG too.