97 days ago according to my notes in my iPhone…that was our first day in Chicago and I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to write this posting! We were having such a good time and totally immersed in all that Chicago had to offer. We’ve both decided that we’d move there in an instant despite the cold winters. This exciting city is efficient, easy to get around on foot, and there is always something to do. We stayed in two places and can highly recommend Magnolia Studios in Andersonville and Longman & Eagle in Logan Square. The latter is only for those that can cope with noise as its above an inn but the location is fantastic for hipster style cafes, shops and only a 15 min train ride to the city.

We visited Navy Pier and couldn’t believe our luck as the Smith Museum of Stained Glass was open and permanently closed a week after we left. So we timed it well and I got some great ideas for future ceramic exhibition works.

We headed to the Magnificent Mile which was 13 blocks of beautiful shops and stunning architecture.

We were so lucky as we had blue skies which made everything look buttery soft and hence us falling in love so quickly with the city. We bought tickets to the David Bowie exhibition which came out from the V&A London. For 3 and 1/2 hours Adam and I soaked up the atmosphere of a very talented artist through his music, art notes, theater set designs, costumes and personal details which showed another side. I had no idea just how creative, intellectual and gorgeous he was. As for Bowie’s costumes…move over Kylie Minogue. While he may have been taller he rivaled you when it came to the tiniest waist I’ve ever seen in rock fashion.

When it came to eating, we weren’t short on choices. Chicago has everything from French cafes to Italian Deli’s and we feasted well – when you are notching up 20000 points daily on a pedometer – trust me regional cheeses, pinot noir wine from Ohio, Italian ice-creams and Lulu’s coffee made us very happie chappies!

So, more places to visit. We headed to Printer’s Row where I read this had been the industrial end of town of printers and publishers. It’s now home to trendy book shops, letterpress designers, cafes and all things boutique.
The Rookery and Robie House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright are worth the visit especially Robie House as we ventured into the suburbs and also got to see University of Chicago which was Hogwarts on steroids! I’ve never seen such large buildings and extensive gardens. I could write a another posting on Robie House as we went on a curated guided tour. They won’t let the public roam the house due to the significant restoration efforts on preserving it as close to the original conditions @ 1908. So, all I can say, it’s worth the 2hr train ride to go and visit both institutions.

No trip to Chicago can not involve going to Millennium Park to see the infamous bean by Indian born British artist Anish Kapoor. Adam and I had lots of fun taking ‘daggy’ shots along with everyone else!

Shopping – oh! my! I could have shopped till I dropped but had to pace myself as this was the first city in four we were visiting over five weeks. I had the chance to meet this wonderful artist Winifred Grace who had been a graphic designer 11 years ago but needed a change. Luckily she became a goldsmith jeweller and opened a gorgeous shop in May this year. I bought a beautiful pendant with birthday monies from my parents and chose what letters I wish to be imprinted. I chose AM – for Anne Masters as I use the same style lettering as my Potter’s mark in my ceramics. It now means even more as the M stands for Miami. I wear this pendant almost every day.

Okay, we did travel to the USA for a reason…a very good friend of ours, Miss Amanda Small in her words ‘was getting hitched!’ to a lovely musician called Paul. We heard lots of lovely things about him and even better when we met Paul for the first time at the wedding. Adam and Paul hit it off from the word go and wise words were exchanged on the morning of the wedding. Adam: “Mate, don’t worry about anything and go on the walk (planned event for wedding goers)”. Paul: Mmmm….not sure if that’s the done thing to do, I should be setting up things…”. Adam: “Mate, trust me – escaping for a few hours will be the best thing to do!”. As it was they had a swim in freezing Lake Michigan, a fantastic walk with his family over the dunes and Paul returned one very relaxed groom ready for the day! As for Amanda she just radiated sunshine in her glittering dress.

Well, I took so many photos that it’s hard to include them all and do a little write up. So here are a few more to look at and enjoy.
Finally, this last photo sums it all up…one day this will be Adam and I – still visiting art galleries but needing a bit more assistance 😉