Our little man, Miami sadly passed away the Wednesday after the long October weekend. We arrived home from our holiday on Sunday 19 October to receive the news from my sister.
Miami spent his last few weeks with “Granma and Pop” and was valiant to the end. Sadly, his arthritis and nearly 17 years of age had wearied his little body and it was time to go to sleep.
He is in our garden outside my studio window and surrounded by flowers. He was my best friend and while I was searching for the love of my life he would stare the potentials square in the eye and if they got a ‘smile’ (snarling with a sneer) I knew he was thinking ‘fat chance mate!’ Adam passed with flying colours and Miami soon realised he had double the attention he had always wanted. More pats, more food, more walks – anything he could try and get from this tall skinny man!
We always joked that Miami refused to die. He had a great life – living in doors 24/7, visiting cafes, running around the lake (when he and Mum were both fit!), road-trips to Sydney to see the girls (Kim/Rachel/Helen), staying at various palatial homes (Diane/Kristine/Mick & Mer, Granma & Pop), living with two gorgeous flatmates (Megan/Lisa), endless hugs from nieces/nephew, my Aunties/Uncles, friends, children/teenagers, sleeping on our bed, pretending not to be sleeping on the couch even though he was, being groomed, clipped and styled by Marion, cared for when Adam and I travelled (Cath/Ella/Kathy J/Rachel P) and most of all simply being my faithful companion all day every day for nearly 17 years. He will be sorely missed.
Miami’s newest friend Rachel Purdy sent a beautiful email and I’m sure Miami would have given it the paws of approval:
Oh Anne 🙁 I cried. I’m so so sorry to hear this. He was a very special little boy and friend and I know he was so much more than just a dog to you and your family. I have a lump in my throat writing this because i know how awful it is losing a pet. Just like any other member of the family.
He was a very funny and enthusiastic puppy and his name suited him perfectly. I think of a sunny, exciting, happy and busy place when I hear the word Miami. How suited 🙂 and as awful as you may feel that you weren’t there, he wouldn’t have wanted to leave had you been there. Now he can sleep easy, comfortably and free of any pains.Goodbye little Miami man!And lots of love to you my lovely Anne xoxox I’m sending all of my loving energy to you wherever you are ❤️